2020 Running Over Cancer 5K
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Name Overall
Gender Age Division Time Running in honor of...
Glenn, Christopher 1 1 1 Male 15 - 19 21:30 Grandmother
Hill, Corbie 2 2 1 Male 30 - 39 22:07 Myself and my wife Rachel, both of whom are survivors.
Faircloth, Landon 3 3 2 Male 15 - 19 22:35
Darcy, Alex 3 1 1 Female 15 - 19 22:35 my grandfather
Atkeson, Jane 5 2 2 Female 15 - 19 23:06 Tim Atkeson Jon Atkeson Jessica Hodgins
Scheeres, Erik 6 4 3 Male 15 - 19 23:36 Daniel Scheeres
Schmalz, Lucy 7 3 3 Female 15 - 19 24:04
Cardwell, Scott 8 5 2 Male 30 - 39 24:11 Brian Severa
Brooks, Jillene 9 4 1 Female 30 - 39 24:28
Millward, Steve 10 6 1 Male 60+ 24:50
Dudley, David 11 7 1 Male 50 - 59 24:56
Wood, Alex 12 8 1 Male 14 & Under 25:22
Lasso, Scott 13 9 2 Male 50 - 59 25:50
Michael, David 14 10 3 Male 50 - 59 25:56 Siri Lindley
Twine, Casey 15 11 3 Male 30 - 39 26:00
Miller, Jen 16 5 1 Female 40 - 49 26:03
Hardy, Ryan 17 12 4 Male 15 - 19 26:17 Linda Brehm, Julie Stoner
Russell, Pam 18 6 1 Female 50 - 59 26:30
Zervos, Mason 19 13 5 Male 15 - 19 26:33
Roth, Morgan 20 7 4 Female 15 - 19 26:52
Caraballo, Santos 21 14 4 Male 50 - 59 26:59
Colavito, Tony 22 15 4 Male 30 - 39 27:02 Lorraine Colavito and Nicole Wheeler
Zvarich, Michael 23 16 2 Male 60+ 27:07
Gillis, Destinee 24 8 2 Female 30 - 39 28:18
Michalowski, Amanda 25 9 3 Female 30 - 39 28:28 my dad, Steven Dawson
Silveyra, Patricia 26 10 4 Female 30 - 39 28:45
Beightol, Kristen 27 11 2 Female 40 - 49 28:49 Jay Mastro; Missy Wilson
Sanger, Stephen 28 17 5 Male 50 - 59 29:25
Zarin, Michael 29 18 1 Male 40 - 49 29:26
Kerner, Adrianna 30 12 5 Female 15 - 19 29:43
Suria, Glenda 31 13 1 Female 20 - 29 29:58
Klementowska, Pamela 32 14 2 Female 20 - 29 30:01
Aber, Stephen 33 19 5 Male 30 - 39 30:06
Campbell, Maddy 34 15 3 Female 20 - 29 30:15
Holman, Laura 35 16 3 Female 40 - 49 30:16
Anderson, Anne 36 17 1 Female 60+ 30:50
Nelson, Kristin 37 18 5 Female 30 - 39 31:53 Jessi Culbertson
Cyrus, Glennette 38 19 2 Female 50 - 59 32:00 In honor of Nannie Mae Cyrus
Wood, Jeff 39 20 6 Male 50 - 59 32:05
Bennett, Nuria 40 20 3 Female 50 - 59 32:09 In honor of Myrtle Williams
Hinckley, Cathryn 41 21 6 Female 30 - 39 32:58
Replogle, Emerson 42 22 6 Female 15 - 19 33:01
Bauer, Donna 43 23 7 Female 30 - 39 33:07 Edna Taylor
Gruber, Leah 44 24 8 Female 30 - 39 33:30 Kelsey Barbour, Sally Carter, Mike Carter
Manoharan, VIjay 45 21 6 Male 30 - 39 33:36
Gonzalez, Sonia 46 25 9 Female 30 - 39 34:08 Cyrus Parker
Beynon, Kathy 47 26 4 Female 50 - 59 35:00 Mike and Sally Carter. Kelsey Barbour
Phillips, Connor 48 22 6 Male 15 - 19 35:06
Darcy, Neal 49 23 7 Male 50 - 59 35:40 Dick darcy
Bate, Brittany 50 27 10 Female 30 - 39 35:58 Shelia Bate
Oldham, Avajan 51 28 5 Female 50 - 59 36:03 Camille Cunnup (in honor) Frank Oldham (in memory)
Horton, Lee 52 29 6 Female 50 - 59 36:16
Scorsone, Lauren 53 30 4 Female 20 - 29 36:18
Ramirez, Cristina 54 31 11 Female 30 - 39 37:38
Best, Raymond 55 24 3 Male 60+ 37:56 Denise Hicks
Gruber, Steven 56 25 7 Male 30 - 39 38:05 Kelsey Barbour, Sally Carter, Mike Carter
Scott, Shanya 57 32 5 Female 20 - 29 38:13
Hardy, Patrick 58 26 8 Male 50 - 59 39:39
Vortherms, Nicole 59 33 4 Female 40 - 49 40:00 Nicole Vortherms
Solige, Radhika 60 34 12 Female 30 - 39 40:16
shaffer, alexa 61 35 7 Female 15 - 19 40:20
Phillips, Cole 62 27 7 Male 15 - 19 42:00
Sahu, Ritu 62 36 5 Female 40 - 49 42:00
Mojica, Christina 64 37 6 Female 40 - 49 42:51 Carol & Amber
Hardy, Michelle 65 38 7 Female 40 - 49 42:55 Linda Brehm, Julie Stoner, Yolanda Shafer
Maynard, Nancy 66 39 2 Female 60+ 43:12
Lafuria, Alesha 67 40 13 Female 30 - 39 43:56
O'Connor, Thomas 68 28 1 Male 20 - 29 44:01
Hatch, Susan 69 41 3 Female 60+ 45:00
O'Connor, Victoria 70 42 6 Female 20 - 29 45:03
Wheeler, Nicole 71 43 8 Female 40 - 49 45:56 Lorraine Colavito Cecelia Erdman
jeyam, jegatha 72 44 9 Female 40 - 49 47:00 Mom
Hanna, Jessica 73 45 14 Female 30 - 39 48:35
Bacon, Rasmi 73 45 10 Female 40 - 49 48:35 Carol, Faye, and Sara
Rajoo, Suganiya 75 47 15 Female 30 - 39 49:03
Tascher, Alexa 76 48 8 Female 15 - 19 49:59
Jenks, Matthew 77 29 2 Male 40 - 49 50:10
Daber, Haley 78 49 7 Female 20 - 29 51:28
Raguraman, Aparna 79 50 16 Female 30 - 39 54:00
Nieves, Evelyn 80 51 7 Female 50 - 59 54:57 Maria Christina Suarez and Pablo Nieves
Campbell, Patricia 81 52 8 Female 50 - 59 57:22 Roberta B Campbell (mother) and Russell Guy Campbell (brother)- both fought hard against cancer.
Johnson, Susan 82 53 4 Female 60+ 1:00:00
Little, Beth 83 54 9 Female 50 - 59 1:01:35 Honor: Harold and Priscilla McFarland, Blanche Goldston, Suzanne Luther Memory: Teresa Brown
Dufour, Cathy 84 55 10 Female 50 - 59 1:02:16
Partlo, Kelly 85 56 17 Female 30 - 39 1:02:23
Partlo, Laurie 85 56 5 Female 60+ 1:02:23 The Woman's Club of Clayton and in honor of my parents, Wilbur and Joan Larson
Briggs-Gaul, Carolyn 87 58 11 Female 40 - 49 1:03:37
Mojica, Garin 88 30 2 Male 14 & Under 1:05:12 Grandma, Aunt Amber & Tio Frank
Mojica, Evelia 88 59 1 Female 14 & Under 1:05:12 Grandma & Aunt Amber & Tio Frank
Mojica, Rafael 88 30 3 Male 40 - 49 1:05:12 Javo
Bagnall, Lisa 91 60 18 Female 30 - 39 1:12:56
Gutierrez, Elbin 92 32 8 Male 30 - 39 1:17:19 Hank Gamble
Gutierrez, Angela 93 61 19 Female 30 - 39 1:17:39 Hank Gamble
Dunn, Debby 94 62 6 Female 60+ 1:22:00
showing 94 rows
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