Event Sponsored by: Supported by:

Host Hotel:

Entry Fees
First Regular Skill Event: $85 per participant
each additional event: $25
First Basic Skill: $65 per participant
each additional Basic Skill: $20
*Processing Fee: $4
Practice ice will be $10 for a 15 minute session. Purchase practice ice during online registration.
Dates & Times
Click Here to View Competition Schedule
Registration Deadline: December 15 at 11pmLate Registration Deadline: December 22 at 9pm + $50 Late Fee
Music Deadline: December 30 at 11pm
(After this date, skaters will be locked out of this feature and subject to a $50 late fee.)
Sport Information
Click Here to View Competition AnnouncementClick Here to View Competition Sanction
T-Shirt Pickup
Team Shirts will be given to team captain/contact upon team check-in at the event site.Commissioners