The Mission of a Growth Training Exercise (GTE) is to reinforce the F3 Mission Formula, Teach Leadership Principles and Transfer Positive Habits in order to Accelerate Regional Growth. The Endstate is to forge HIGH IMPACT MEN through the three F's of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.
During a GTE, we leave no man behind and leave no man where we find him. Together we strive to become better men for our families and our communities.
GREAT is a full weekend consisting of these phases:
1 - RALLY on Friday evening: A fellowship gathering to kick off the weekend. First break the ice, then break bread with fellow GTE/GRE participants (food details TBD). Meet your GTE/GRE Trainers and get fired up by their message, then ask any last minute questions of the Freedom Ops Cadre.
2 - KING BUILDER on Saturday early morning: An F3 convergence-style workout; as with all F3 workouts, the King Builder is open to all men, and it's free to all Friendly New Guys so bring those FNGs! A beatdown with a lesson, led by GTE Trainers.
3 - GROWSCHOOL on Saturday late morning: Following breakfast and coffee on site, this is an intense classroom-based leadership seminar covering leadership topics and including teaching points from QSOURCE F3's Manual of Virtuous Leadership. It is taught by qualified and experienced GTE/GRE Trainers. The format includes several break out sessions where you will discuss each topic among your small group.
4 - CRUCIBLE Ruck/Run on Saturday evening until Sunday morning: This is the MAIN Effort of a GTE/GRE. Each man's leadership skills learned during GrowSchool, and the teamwork of the class is accelerated through physical and mental adversity. Expect to be challenged and transformed. Expect to push through the limits of your perceived thresholds. Expect to bond deeply with your fellow team members and to be moved and encouraged during the Sunriser. The average duration is 15 hours and the average distance is 17 miles.
5 - SUPPORT VOLUNTEER: We are seeking ten volunteers to serve in a support capacity during the Crucible ruck/run phase. Support volunteers will work closely with the cadre team to enforce safety, conduct water resupply, prepare and stage implements-of-woe and team gear, and occasionally take care of voluntary withdrawals or medical drops. A competent Support team is crucial to achieve event success, and support volunteers will undoubtedly have many occasions to execute teamwork, communication, and leadership. To show Freedom Ops' appreciation, all Support Team members will earn a 50% discount for their next GTE/GRE registration.
Timeline (actual times may be adjusted)
18:00-20:30 Rally
06:30-07:30 King Builder
07:30-08:30 Coffeeteria and breakfast
08:30-12:00 GrowSchool
18:00-Until Complete (UTC) Crucible Ruck/Run
08:30 (tentatively) End of Exercise (ENDEX)...stay tuned on the Freedom Ops Facebook page for live updates and any change to ENDEX time
08:30-09:00 Closing Ceremony*
*We encourage families, friends, and supporters to watch their loved ones complete the mission and receive their patch! Take pictures and congratulate them on finishing. Children and dogs are welcome.