Scandinavian Cultural Center Presents Abundance Sauna the Ides of St. Urho Day

Scandinavian Cultural Center Presents Abundance Sauna the Ides of St. Urho Day

Saturday 3/15/25 Sunday 3/16/25

Authentic Finnish Sauna


Saturday 3/15/25 Sunday 3/16/25


206 Waltham St
West Newton, MA


For any questions or additional information, please contact us by Clicking Here.

Scandinavian Cultural Center Presents:
A Traditional Wood Fired Sauna Experience

Abundance Sauna will be at The Scandinavian Cultural Center -- Saturday, and Sunday March 15 & 16, 2025.

St. Urho is an unusual character. We celebrate and remember him every year on March 16th. As legends have it, the saint chased the grasshoppers out of Finland shouting at them, “Grasshoppers, Grasshoppers, Go to Hell!” But why did he want grasshoppers to disappear from Finland? This was so the wine vineyards could be saved from destruction. He also wanted to save the grapes and the worker’s jobs, all while feeding on only sour milk and fish soup. Thanks to his noble deeds, he became a hero.

There are many sessions available each day, starting as early as 10:00am. The session cost is the same regardless of the number of people in your party. The sauna comfortably accommodates 3 people at once. Ten minutes of each session is allotted for turn over. You are welcome to book available consecutive sessions for a longer sauna experience. 

Sauna Mestari will be on site to provide a full orientation to all participants

Daring souls are invited to experience the thrill of thermal extremes with a dip in the cold plunge tank, or snow angels, if Mother Nature and Ol' Man Winter are still in cahoots.
Afterwards relax around the fire pit to share stories of sauna adventure while enjoying tasty snacks
Participants provide their own towels, swimsuits and hydration.

Preregistration is required. A welcome/orientation packet which includes a liability waiver which must be signed by each participant.  

If you have specific questions about this event  or 
Learn more about Scandinavian Cultural Center


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