Bike Routes

Route Information (images link to

Several different options are available for cyclists. The 9-mile route is ideal for youth, families and beginners. A 20-mile course suits riders ready for a bit more distance. Experienced cyclists can choose a 31-mile "Forest and Farmland" circle route through the country or a 62-mile (Metric Century) "Kerr Lake Look" that adds to that 31-mile circle route an out-and-back spur to the lake past the Nutbush Creek State Recreation Area.

9-Mile Route

screen capture of google maps showing the 10 mile route  
Ride with GPS Cuesheet

20-Mile Route

screen capture of google maps showing the 20 mile route
​Ride with GPS Cuesheet

31-Mile Route

screen capture of google maps showing the 31 mile route
​Ride with GPS Cuesheet

62-Mile (Metric Century) Route

screen capture of google maps showing the 62 mile route
​Ride with GPS Cuesheet
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