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Hope Flies

On behalf of Allison Mcelroy

About Hope Flies

Hope Flies Our team is full of amazing people who love my brother and my family. Wonderful people who keep his memory alive by sharing stories of him , being a part of the Walk for Hope and supporting me and my family no matter what. Some of our team members never met my brother , but because they love me , they come in support of our team and take part in hearing the amazing stories we all have of Ryan and his life. . Iā€™m so thankful for each and every one of you and awed by your love and support. Thank you. šŸ’™

Why am I fundraising?

Hope Flies My inspiration has been and will always be my little brother , Ryan. Ryan was an amazing man, brother , son , brother in law , friend , uncle , and boyfriend. He had a kind heart , hilarious laugh , and infectious smile. Our team Hope Flies in his honor. We want to raise money to help with research and treatment of mental illness in the hopes that we can fight back against this terrible disease that takes so many wonderful people from us.

Donation Form

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Raised by Hope Flies


Raised by Allison Mcelroy

click here to register and start raising money yourself.

Contributors to
Allison Mcelroy

  • Bethany Alger Smith
  • amanda deFrancis
  • Allison Mcelroy
  • kathy montero
  • Suzanne Suttles

Members of
Hope Flies

Contributors to
Hope Flies

  • Bethany Alger Smith
  • Debbie Allen
  • amanda deFrancis
  • leanne kenakin
  • kathy montero
  • jennie pitchford
  • Clint Reece
  • Suzanne Suttles
  • Patti Waye-Benson
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