Yo Heave Ho!  Booty Practice Day 1

Yo Heave Ho! Booty Practice Day 1


Sponsored By

Practice Day Sponsor
The BackStreet Pub
Sponsor The BackStreet Pub

Sponsored By

Practice Day Sponsor
The BackStreet Pub
Sponsor The BackStreet Pub


Duathlon Triathlon


Sat, March 7, 2020 @ 7:00 am


1354 Lennoxville Rd
Beaufort, NC 28516


For any questions or additional information, please contact us by Clicking Here.

WHAT is the Yo Heave Ho! Booty Practice Day?

Join us for a day exploring the bike and run courses for the Crystal Coast Half Booty Triathlon!  Booty Practice Day 1 will include a no-drop group ride of the 56-mile bike course and run on a 6.5-mile portion of the run course.

Booty Practice Day Itinerary

  • 7 am: Ride start
  • TBD am (Various times by pace): Run groups start
  • 11 am - 2 pm: FREE lunch for all Booty Practice Day participants
Participation in the Booty Practice Day is FREE and all scheduled activities are OPTIONAL.  Participants are required to secure their own transportation and lodging.  Participants must also purchase their own meals except for lunch on Booty Practice Day.

WHY join the Yo Heave Ho! Booty Practice Day?

There are MANY possible reasons to participate in the Yo Heave Ho! Booty Practice Day! 
  • Focus your training for the May 9 event
  • Ride or Drive the bike course
  • Run or Drive the run course
  • Meet other event participants
  • Confirm your lodging plans
  • Scout out other lodging opportunities
  • Investigate attractions and activities for you and your support crew on event weekend
  • Explore and experience local restuarants to build your event weekend itinerary
  • Sample craft beers at Mill Whistle Brewing.
  • Free Lunch!
  • Enjoy a getaway weekend at the Crystal Coast!


WHO can Participate?

  • Registration for the Crystal Coast Triathlon is NOT required to participate in the Booty Practice Day. 
  • Those who register are NOT required to participate in the ride, run or any/all of the designated activities.
  • Individuals may extend or repeat the ride or run course at their own preference.
  • Individuals can participate in optional activites according to their own preferences and goals.

Other Details 

The Booty Practice Day weekends are NOT SANCTIONED and are only minimally supported.  Participants must be equipped to handle any individual mechanical, nutrition, and hydration needs during the practice ride and run.

Booty Practice Day registration is requested for planning and tracking purposes.

Depending on participant numbers and preferred paces, attempts will be made to subdivide into pace groups to accommodate all levels of triathletes.  Volunteer leaders will make sure the pace groups stay together and no one is left behind.  

Links to the bike and run courses used for the Yo Heave Ho! - Booty Practice Weekend will be provided along with turn-by-turn instructions.

Visit the Courses page for photos and details of the event courses.

Sign up to participate in the Crystal Coast Full Booty or Half Booty Triathlon here.
Practice Day Courses
The Yo Heave Ho! Booty Practice Day is intended for participants to experience the entire Half Booty course and a portion of the Booty run.  Both the bike and the run courses are modified to include an alternate start/finish location but otherwise follow the actual event courses.

Depending on an individual's goals for the practice day, it is possible to vary individual training for the day with several different options.  NOTE: Turn-by-Turn instructions are only provided for the intended practice day courses.

Bike Training Route Variations:
Download bike route turn-by-turn instructions here.
  1. [Intended Practice Route] 56-mile Half Booty bike course with modified start/stop location.
  2. [Extended Practice Route] 114-mile Full Booty bike course with modified start/stop location. 
    • GarminConnect Link 
    • RideWithGPS Link
    • NOTE: The Full Booty course includes 2 1/2 times around the Newport, Havelock, Harlowe 30-mile northern loop.  This extended route can be reduced to 84-miles by looping just 1 1/2 times.    2 1/2 times. by either extending the bike course to include one or more of the Full Booty loops OR shortening the bike course .
  3. [Shortened Practice Route]  42-mile bike course that eliminates significant portions of the Half Booty course by cutting off the northernmost portion of the course using the Full Booty route as a cuthrough. 
    • GarminConnect Link
    • RideWithGPS Link
    • NOTE: This route can be shortened further by continuing straight on Bridges St (NOT turning right on N 20th St) but this eliminates one of the very nice sections of the ride that you might not want to miss!
Run Training Route Variations:
Download run route turn-by-turn instructions here.
  1. [Intended Practice Route] 7.25-mile portion of the Full and Half Booty run course with modified start/stop location.
  2. [Shortened Practice Route] Reduce the run distance by aboaut 2 miles by turning LEFT at Front Street and Lennoxville Road (at the Boathouse) rather than turning RIGHT. 
  3. [Extended Practice Route] Repeat some or all of the intended route to achieve the desired distance.  Downtown Beaufort is roughly laid out in a grid so cutthrough road options are available throughout the route.

The Yo Heave Ho! Booty Practice Day will take place at Mill Whistle Brewing in Beaufort, NC.  Mill Whistle Brewing is located directly on the event run course.  The practice ride will also start and end at Mill Whistle Brewing.  Participants are encouraged to spend time at Mill Whistle Brewing after the practice finishes to enjoy FREE lunch for all participants.

Event Course Information
For all the scouts who want to know everything possible about the event courses and the area before event day, here are some details and photos!


This is Gallants Channel, where the swim will take place, along with a portion of the transition area.  Tide will be low when the swim portion begins.  Participants will enter the water near the empty docks in the middle of this picture and swim out towards the upper right of this picture.  The photo is taken from Gallants Channel bridge where spectators will be invited to view the swim portion of the event.


These photos are taken from the swim start area looking back towards the Gallants Channel Bridge.  Participants are invited to line the bridge to watch the swim portion of the event.  The initial segment of the bike course also crosses this bridge.


The 56-mile bike course includes one single large loop with a short lollipop excursion down a pleasant rural road to achieve the necessary distance.

A significant portion of the ride will be on Highway 70 and Highway 101.  However, Sunday morning traffic is expected to be very light and certain key areas of Highway 70 will include lane closures to protect the cyclists.


The run course is spectacular and takes runners past numerous historical homes, along the Beaufort waterfront, and through the residential areas of Beaufort.
The run turnaround at mile 1.5 and turn through the historic district early in the run.

The turnaround at the northernmost point of the run.

Area where the Finish Line will be (and the Full turnaround point) on a very quiet winter weekend morning in downtown Beaufort.
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