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In Loving Memory of Charles Lee

On behalf of Timothy Lee

About In Loving Memory of Charles Lee

In Loving Memory of Charles Lee On October 7, 2021, at only 65 years of age, my loving father, Charles Chunil Lee, departed this earth to his permanent home to join our savior, Jesus Christ after his courageous six-month battle with ALS. My father was a man who ALWAYS prioritized his family's happiness over his, no matter what. Growing up, my younger brother Kenny and I had an amazing childhood with loving parents who would do anything for us, but also pushing us to work hard so that we can succeed in this world.

In 1996, my parents made the bold decision to leave everything we knew behind in South Korea, and immigrate to the U.S. My immediate family and I knew nobody in the U.S., but through it all, we thrived and what was intended to be just a 2-year stay ended up being 27 years and counting in America. I credit my father for helping my brother and I succeed with our education and career goals - not only has he pushed us to work hard, but was also incredibly supportive and he always ensured that he was available if we needed him. My father always put our family's happiness first, even willing to sacrifice his happiness for ours, and he has certainly gone above and beyond what we could ask for.

My father was an adventurous and active man, willing to hike 5-6 miles daily, and even attempted several 5K races during his lifetime. Besides his incredible intelligence, his sense of humor, and his obsession with sudoku (he always completed the hardest puzzles with remarkable ease), but most of it all, his never-ending love for his family are some of the incredible legacies he leaves behind. Most importantly, my father was a strong believer, and he prayed daily to our Almighty Father for our happiness and good health. One of his very last text messages to me was one of his favorite verses from the scripture:

"I thank my God every time I remember you." Philippians 1:3

Even when my father was sick, he always believed that he will be cured, and that in just matter of months, he will regain his strength again. My father always talked about living for at least 80 years, and possibly becoming a grandfather one day. While it still saddens me that he passed away so early and never got that chance to be a grandparent, he was was right about one thing - he is all cured, and has regained all his strength, because he is residing in his permanent home, free of ALS, and free of any pain or suffering he may endured during his time on Earth. I am also thrilled to know that he is now reunited with my grandparents, and he is also rejoicing in heaven with my late girlfriend, Sarah Ann Pickett (who also sadly passed away, on Sept 7, 2021, at young age of 31, from Glioblastoma, only a month before my father did).

While we still do not have a cure for ALS, we can do our best to raise awareness so that we are one step closer to finding more effective treatments for this horrible disease. Please consider joining my team for this year's upcoming Sola 5K and let's find a cure for ALS, one step at a time.

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$190 of $100 goal

Raised by In Loving Memory of Charles Lee


Raised by Timothy Lee

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Contributors to
Timothy Lee

  • Andrea Bruno
  • Timothy Lee
  • Adam Leonard

Members of
In Loving Memory of Charles Lee

Contributors to
In Loving Memory of Charles Lee

  • Andrea Bruno
  • Adam Leonard
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