
Pre-ride announcements

Under construction


We know from experience that few riders can hear the pre-ride announcements. So, here they are (they're also on your cue sheet and in the app):

  1. Obey all traffic signs and regulations.  
  2. In case of medical emergency, call 911.
  3. To contact the ride director Bob Oderkirk, text/call ???.
  4. To get attention of support vehicle, raise closed fist.
  5. Support vehicles will have their flashers on.
  6. The routes are marked with stenciled arrows: 100 mile: white, 86: white/green, 62: yellow, 43: yellow/green; 31: blue, 10: red  
  7. Arrows are placed beside "intersection ahead" signs; also just before and just after intersections
  8. A bright orange stenciled X indicates where routes split
  9. All sag stops have bathrooms. Stores are indicated on the route map.
  10. An "X" in a circle indicates you have just missed a turn!
  11. All routes begin and end at the park entrance on New Hill - Holleman Road.
  12. Beware of speed bumps on the park road - they are big enough to cause pinch flats!
  13. All routes close at 4:30 PM.  Support vehicles and sweep riders will be monitoring the routes.

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