Donate On Behalf Of An Individual Or Team
Team Jon
On behalf of Addyson Gilmore
About Team Jon

With love and gratitude,
Carrie, Sarah, & Lily Williams
Check out Lily's Changemaker story here:
Jon’s obituary:
NYT opinion pieces that helped us understand depression better:
“When Depression is Like a Cancer”
“How Do You Serve a Friend in Despair?”
UNC Remembers Dr. Jon Williams:
If you are experiencing dark or suicidal thoughts, please call or text 988 for 24-hour-a-day support.
Donation Form
$35,602 of $20,000 goal
Raised by Team Jon
Raised by Addyson Gilmore
click here to register and start raising money yourself.
Contributors to
Addyson Gilmore
- Addyson Gilmore
Members of
Team Jon
- Phillip Autrey
- Jennifer Baddour
- Ashton Beale
- Bethany Beale
- Henry Bennett
- Janie Bennett
- Bert "cort" Bennett
- Lindsey Bennett
- Julia Boltz
- Elizabeth Boltz
- Edward Boltz
- George Clement
- Cori Corcoran
- McCall Cox
- Matt Cox
- Liz Cox
- Donna Culton
- Lila Deen
- Cody Deen
- Susan Deen
- Alice Dolbow
- Joseph Fantony
- Erin Finn
- Tobin Freid
- Mackenzie Gilmore
- Addyson Gilmore
- Mark Gilmore
- Christy Goralski
- Jennifer Goralski
- Demian Gutierrez
- Neely Gutierrez
- Molly Hall
- Grant Hall
- Lusia Li
- Laura Lindsey-Boltz
- Emmi Luecke
- Jen Macharsky
- Julie Machulsky
- Cathy Madigan
- David Malin
- Maya Manikumar
- Kiran Manikumar
- Arun Manikumar
- Riley Mills
- James Mills
- Kate Mills
- Isla Naftel
- Katie Naftel
- Anna Naftel
- Signe Naftel
- Jane Naftel
- Jack Naftel
- Tessa Nguyen
- Hoang Nguyen
- Sophia Paraschos
- Lexie Phillips
- Christine Phillips
- Eric Rusak
- Stacy Rusak
- Brian Sanders
- John Scarfutti
- Cac Schutte
- Worth Schutte
- Siveya Schwartz
- Aven Schwartz
- Scott Schwartz
- Carolyn Skowron
- Cheryl Tomko
- David Torgerson
- Wendy Towns
- Andrew Trofatter
- Matthew Trofatter
- John Trofatter
- Alena Volpe
- Anthony Volpe
- Jaclyn Volpe
- Catherine Wehmann
- Johnny Wehmann
- Warren Wehmann
- Jan Wehmann
- Sophia Whipple
- Dick Williams
- Lily Williams
- Sarah Williams
- Carrie Williams (captain)
- Sally Wood
- Kent Zamora
Contributors to
Team Jon
- Beth Alexander
- Elizabeth Angell
- Judith Arnley
- Laura and Todd Ballenger
- Milisa Batten
- Melanie Biese
- Robert Bowen
- Willia and Georgette Braga
- Foundation of the Carolinas
- 2023 Foundation of the Carolinas Match
- Jennifer Ceneviva
- Shay charles
- Anonymous
- Joel and Brenda Clayton
- Thomas Cole
- Von cole
- John and April Cooper
- Joseph Cornett
- Ria Dancel
- Rebecca Dyck
- Bobbi Edwards
- Beth Ellis
- Christy Endrud
- Janine & Gary Elefante Family Fund
- Jennifer Feiler
- matthew Feldman
- Dawn fiore
- Jacqueline Fiore
- Barbara and Mr. Paul Fiore
- Lynne Fiscus
- Romy Fitzgerald
- Tracy Fletcher
- Dana Gelin
- Tony and Becky Gore
- eldesia granger
- Renu00e9e & Jordan Gushurst
- Neely Gutierrez
- Karen Hammer
- Peter Hinkle
- Andrea Huffman
- teri hughes
- Caroline Inazu
- Richatd and Jo-Ann James
- Joe & Vickie Jernigan
- Kelly Jernigan
- Joe and Vickie Jernigan
- Jason Kahner
- Dave Karger
- Donna Keiran
- Barry and Diane Kessler
- Amy Kravetz
- james Kurz
- Kimberly Kylstra
- Erin Leonard
- Roger Lipics
- Roger Lipics
- Catherine Lucas
- jennifer macharsky
- jen macharsky
- Cathy Madigan
- Jill Marcus
- Jennifer McCauley
- Jenny McGlone
- John Min
- Carol Modjadidi
- Laura Montross
- Julie Moushon
- Jackson and katie Naftel
- Nonye Onokalah
- Sophia Paraschos
- Michelle Park
- Abigail Patterson
- Hannah Pippin
- Michael and Christne Ramich
- Kathryn (Kate) Reissner
- Emily and Mandy reynon
- caroly roman
- deb rubin
- Natalie Russell
- Heba Salama
- Alison Silverman
- Carolyn Skowron
- Stephanie Snyder
- Lee and Sally Snyder
- Mike Steiner
- Anne Stephens
- marjorir strickland
- David Torgerson
- Larry and Marilyn Torgerson
- Wendy Towns
- Wendy Towns
- jamie Trulock
- Tabatha Turner
- Carrie Tuttle
- Barbara Vernooy
- Kristina Vrabel
- karen & George wehmann
- Ryan Wehmann
- Maria & Greg Wehmann
- Alan Wehmann
- kathy Wharton
- Horatio Wildman
- Sarah Williams
- Carrie Williams
- patricia williams
- Dick and Judy Williams
- Judy and Jim Wilson
- jennifer woods
- Kent Zamora